Sunday, September 7, 2008
Canada asks 'Did you know?'
This short video shows Canadians being interviewed in the street about the rights and history of indigenous people in their country. There are many parallels between the way Australia and Canada treated their indigenous populations. 8H will reflect on whether the treatment of Canadian Indigenous people is fair and are we any better
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for boomerang come back we watched a documentary thingy on Canada asks "did you know?". it was telling us that the canadian indians were treated the same as australian aboriginals.
the canadian indians had the same rights as what the aboriginals had. nearly everything that happened to the canadian indians the aboriginals went through it too.
it was pretty boring but it was also interesting that the canadian indians and the aboriginals had to go through the same things.
it is still pretty bad with what the aboriginals and canadian indians are going through because it is still going on now.
canada asks did you no?
1885 aborigionals got the right to vote,they couldent vote until 1960 they were good at farming and had to make their own tools because they werent allowed to use tools,
gain spirit to make them stronger,people charged the aborigionals for dancing and singing, they needed a pass to leave the community, and they were not allowed to have liquor,
part 3
women had more to say then man and woman acted like they were the boss,women had to carry the water,thegoverment took away there kids and put them in school they were paid to keep there mouth shut they fought hard to have there rights, they want canada to change the way the are so aborigianals have the same right s white people.
For Boomerang come back we watched a documentary on Canada asks 'Did you know'. The documentary was telling was showing us that the Canadian Indians were treated the same as Australian Aboriginals.
The Canadian Indians couldn't vote before 1960, In 1885 the Indians had a night to vote for the Canadian prime minister. The Indian Aboriginals were very good at farming and had to make there work tools because they weren't aloud to use metal.
The Indian Aboriginals had traditional dances and they gain sprits while dancing to make them stronger. No beer was aloud to sold to the Idians because it was illegal for them to drink. They could be charged for singing and dancing in 1884.
This Added on from my first one.
Women had more say in things than men and the women acted more as bosses than the men. Women were water carriers,men were the protecters and fighters.In the 18th century you would see no longer the name of tribes. If Aboriginals wanted to start there own businesses it would be very hard for them because they had to get the governers permission and it could take up to 60 days,6 months or 6 years. Equal relationship between white people and Aboriginals are not changed until 1951.
The Government would take kids away from Aboriginal family's to teach them the canadian langue and raised them to be like white people. They would get there buts kicked if they acted bad. Aboriginals had to fight hard for there rights and there promises from the government.
Aboriginal people had there rights by saying that they were the first on the land and they were and that they are being taken over. Canadian people still haven't signed the papers saying that idiginess people have the same rights as white people.
We watched a documentary on canada asks did you know? It was all talking about the canadian indians and they were treated the same as what Australian aboriginals were.
Ms. A written a comparison on the board which we had to copy down if we wanted to and mostly everybody did and the canadians had the same rights as what the aboriginals had in australia.
The stolen generation was a big thing in Australia and then in the documentary we found out it happend in canada but instead of raising them as a white person they would send them to a residential schools (take them from there families).
The documentary had about 4 parts and some facts were really interesting facts like in world war 2 they didn't serve white people with the Australian aboriginal people but some was really boring.
Autralians and Canadians treated aboriginal people and canadians really bad and you know whats really bad it's still going on now.
Last term 8H watched a video called 'did you know' in this video people in Canada were interviewed about their native Indians who basically were equivalents to aborigines.
Most of the people that were interviewed in the movie didn't know anything about how badly treated their native Americans ere treated, they didn't know that; they were banned from drinking alcohol, they were banned from preforming their ceremonial dances because catholic priests thought it was a worship of the devil, they weren't payed when they came back from the war, they got banned from selling their crop because they got too good because the government thought they would drive white people out of business also their children were stolen if they were white enough and were put into school which forced them to live like white people.
I felt disappointed in myself and the Australian government as I watched this video because; I as well didn't know anything about what our government did to the Aborigines but they also treated Aborigines unfairly and unjustly like the Canadian government did to their Indians. At lease Kevin Rudd apologized about the earlier Australian government’s actions, but Canada still has to sign the declaration of Indian rights.
the aborgigals had one night to vote in 1885 they couldnt vote before 1960. the aborgigals were realy good at farming and they made there own tools because we allowed them to use metal. in the second movie they would try to gian spirt to make them stronger. people charge aborignals for singing and dance.they needed a pass to leave the community. the aborgignals werent allowed to have liquar. woman had alot more say then the men the men were the fighters. the goverment took away there kids and put them in school. it was the work of the devil. they were piad to keep there mouth shut and the aborignals fuaght hard fir there rights they wanted the canada to change there ways about aborgignals so they can have they same rights has white people
For boomerang come back we watched a documentary on canada asks "did you know?". it was about how the canadians indians were treated the same as Australian Aboriginals.i think it it just cruel that aboriginals and the canadian indians have to go through this. it shouldnt happen to anyone. and its even worse because it is still happening now. ithought it was boringbut interesting to find ot ionformation about things.I felt disappointed in and the Australian government when I watched this video because I didn't know anything about what our government was doing to the aboriginals.
Canada- the land of opotunities!
As a claas 8H watched a documentary for Boomerang come back, the documentary we watched was called: Canada asks 'Did you know'. The documentary was telling us that the Canadian Indians were treated the same as Australian Aboriginals.
The Canadian Indians and the Australian Aboriginals were treated the same. Most of the incidents that happened to the Canadian Indians happened to the Australian Aboriginals.
The Canadian Indians couldn't vote before 1960, In 1885 the Indians had a night to vote for the Canadian prime minister. The Indian Aboriginals were very good at farming and had to make there work tools because they weren't aloud to use metal.
I felt disappointed in the Australian government as I watched this video because I didn't know anything about what our government did to the Aboriginals but they also treated Aboriginals unfairly like the Canadian government did to their Indians. It was good that Kevin Rudd apologized about the earlier Australian government’s actions, but Canada still has to sign the declaration of Indian rights.
The did you know documentary told me a lot about the similarities with Australians and Canadians with how we both treated our indigenous people and what are our countries doing to fix the problems with the indigenous people.
Just when I thought our country had done the worst things to indigenous people, I found out that their was another country that had done just as bad things as we had done to our indigenous people. This also leads me to believe that all indigenous people other than the white people were treated badly and properly still are getting treated badly. The Canadians just like the Australians treated their indigenous people badly, three similar ways we both treated our indigenous people were like with the indigenous soldiers in the war. After the war the indigenous soldiers received no payments of any kind and were sent back to their families living their lives like they use to. Also the indigenous people had their lands taken from them when the white people settled in their regions. Also both indigenous people had their children taken away from them so they could learn white people culture.
Their were some bad things the Canadians did that were worse than how we treated our indigenous people like how the Christians saw traditional indigenous ceremonies as the work of the devil, and therefore wanted the ceremonies banned as well as their whole traditional cultures.
However we can't say where any better because the Canadians did some worse things, we also did bad things and even if one side was not as harsh as the other they still would have acted harshly therefore still making the things they did just as bad. Like our country the Canadians still need to work on closing the gap between our non indigenous and indigenous people, non of our countries is better than the other, therefore both our countries need to work on removing the gap, like our country the Canadians have a long way to go before they are to succeed.
As a class 8h watched a movie on CANADA DID YOU KNOW.
I learnt that before 1960 an aboriginal could not vote before the time 1960 unless they became non indigenous. The Indian aboriginal people were very good at farming around the house and in their crops and stuff but they could not use metal equipment or machines so they had to make their own tools and equipment. I felt bad by then in the movie because we did not let the Indians do basically anything.
An interesting bit of information I found out was that the Catholic people thought that the dances that the Indians non indigenous people performed were thought to be by the devil. That’s a bit stupid I think because its their religion and they can do what they want in their own religion.
Also that alcohol was not getting sold to indigenous people and I think that is a bit over the top as well.
I discovered that from 1884 the indigenous people could dance. My opinion there would be how come they could not dance before then. If they were not allowed to dance before 1884 that is so so so crap.
This is also a disgrace that the indigenous people were not able to be drumming or singing. Why not ,that is so stupid as well.
I learnt that women in the tribes were the boss and made all the decisions. I think that is not right either men should be the boss but if something goes wrong we can just blame it on the women so that’s ok because they are the boss. Women also carry the water all around. Also that the women are the powerful ones.
I found out that indigenous people started to get jobs which is good for them and started to make some money. But they did not get the same opportunities as white people got. I found that really wrong as well because everyone in the world gets the same go no matter what they look like or anything like that.
The education for the indigenous people was different to the white people.
The catholic people said that singing, dancing, was the DEVILS CREATION. Everything that the indigenous people did was EVIL to the catholic people. I don’t think that is right for the catholic people to say stuff like that to other people because they are catholic and catholic people normally respect other people but not these ones.
What I found very interesting, was that the indigenous people never gave up on things because they wanted the same respect and opportunities as the white people got.
I learnt so much from this lesson on the indigenous people and found it really interesting.
Canada asks did you know?
Like the aboriginal people of Australia, the aboriginal people in Canada were also treated extremely poorly.
The Aboriginal people in Canada are called the native Indians. The native Indians were never given many rights, up until 1960 they could vote, but it meant giving up your right as a native Indian. It is terrible to see that just that like us (Australia) other countries around the world have treated their native people terribly. The native people of Canada also relate to the aboriginals of Australia as they have also experienced some of the same, cruel things.
The native Indians were given strict rules to follow, The Indian act was basically a rulebook in which the native Indians had to oblige by. The other Canadians weren’t given this rulebook, which meant that the aboriginals were disliked and mistreated by other Canadians. The Native Indians were even give an Indian agent who made sure they were doing everything right and not breaking any rules
Around the 1800’s the native Indians were becoming quite good at farming, but they were not allowed to sell their goods/produce because it may have taken the sales and profits away from the other Canadians, it is sad to think that theses people were treated so bad, especially when they all lived in the same country and really were all equal. The Native Indians starved, as they were not allowed to even eat the farmed produce. One man who slaughtered a cow to feed the starving people was on the run from the government for two years. The consequences were horrible.
The native Indians were also banned from so many harmless things, which were ok for the others, the native Indians could not perform their pot-lashes, these were the native Indians spiritual ceremonies, they were native to them, and they had been performing them for hundreds of years before. The Christian people in Canada saw the ceremonies as the devils creation, something evil, they were totally against them and offended the Native Indians in many ways.
The Native Indians were also banned from alcohol, something that the other Canadians could drink as much of as they wanted; yet for the aboriginals it was not ok.
Just like the stolen generation in Australia, Native Indian children were taken away from their families because the government thought they could give them a better education. Aboriginal families in Canada were also broken up, another thing that is sad to see. Just like here in Australia bad things happened there too.
The government is now giving Native Indians money for healing, but they are saying $30 000 can heal nothing.
Just like Australia the aboriginals in Canada were also treated extremely bad. Some of the things that happened to Aboriginals in Australia also happened to aboriginals in Canada. It is sad to see that this kind of thing has happened all around the world. It is wrong that native people have been treated so bad in their own country, maybe now things will get better, but what is done is done, it can never be fixed.
Canada asks did you know?:
In one investigations class we watched a movie on You Tube called Canada did you know. There was four parts. The movie was about native Indians and how they were treated in Canada.
In the first part I leant that aboriginals were very good at farming, the native Indians were not aloud to sell their cattle or green. A native Indian was told that he would be hung because he killed a cow, Most Indians were starving because they were not a loud to kill there cattle. I was interested to hear that native Indians could not use machinery to harvest or sow there crops, If a native Indian needed tools they would have to make them themselves.
With watching the four parts I learnt that aboriginals were treated the same as Australian aboriginals. Australian aboriginals were taken away from their families in the stolen generation and the native Indians were taken to residential school. I really don’t understand why the children were taken away from their families because they didn’t learn about their culture and history.
I was very surprised to learn that native people were not aloud to have alcohol, I think that is was unfair because everyone is the same.
The native Indians were not aloud to vote before 1960, But I really do no understand this because they were aloud to vote 1885.If the native Indians wanted to vote for the Canadian prime minister they had to give up there Indian rights, I believe that this is really wrong because it is affair. Now in Australia Aboriginals can vote with still keeping their rights.
I learnt that in 1730 Britain settled in Canada, The native people were treated badly and some even killed. The same happened with Australia except Australia was founded in 1788.
I am very lucky to be living in a world that accepts Aboriginals and native people’s rights, Not all people accept native people and Aboriginals but since doing this unit on Aboriginal history I have learnt to not be racist.
I have some questions that I did not think were answered in the movie, my questions are:
*Are Canadians racist towards native Indians?
*Are Native Indians treated badly still?
*Did Canada say sorry for when they took the native children to residential school instead of staying with their family.
I would really like to get these question answered so that I know more about the topic that I have researched.
By Nita☺
i havent watched it....
For boomerang come back, 8H watched a documentry on "Canada asks did you know?"
the canadian indains and the aboriginals had the same rights and got treated the same which yes was extremely poor. They went through the same things.
I didnt understand or get much of this documentary and only learnt that the canadian aboriginals were treated much the same to the australians.
by eb =)
I breifly saw this presentation, in the computer room the other day but with background noise i could not fully understand it.
From what I saw, I learnt what our goverment was doing to the aborigines, i feel bad now and i wish it didnt happen.
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