Sunday, September 7, 2008

Blue Eyes - Brown Eyes Experiment...8H Reflects

The Blue Eyes - Brown Eyes experiment is designed to show participants and viewers how easy it is to adopt discrimination. The version of this we watched as a class focused on Australians and Aboriginal Australians.


natashaBAR0026 said...


Yesterday was the start of our new investigation, Boomerang come back.
The starting topic was
"Blue eye, Brown eye".

It was about how Aborgiginals were not accepted and were punished just because white people wanted land, we took over there country. Calling them "abo's" or different when all they wanted was to be called a citizen of Australia.
I also say sorry as Kevin Rudd did as 'the lost generation' was found again as a big comunity, as the song says: we are one, but we are many.

They were not given the rights to do thing we could do until 1960 were the privliges were that they could vote & protest what they wanted.

Australia was able to comunicate to eachother and was an acually country sharing thoughts and ideas but mostly experiencing that joy of what it could of been back before the 1960's.

This projects was a excellent experience for all of us, learning about how we, all as Australians can speak that word though-out our lives knowing we will all live in peace no matter what we are.

harry said...

I learnt that as human beings we find it so easy (to easy) to discriminate others. The lady who was running the exercise in the video tore the people in the class against each other. She made them get their backs up and straight away they hated each other. If theses people had meet before that they probably could've become best friends, but because she made them hate each other they did exactly that. The people let their feelings get the better of them, they listened to the lady and not themselves, they also became racist because as humans we want to be the best, discriminating others make us feel bigger, better. It was way to easy for them to hate each other, it show's how easily we discriminate others and how racist, sexist and homophobic we can be. I found it interesting when people stood up to the lady; I think it was good because sometimes I felt as if I wanted to do the same. I felt that this exercise was a bit weird, different. I think that this exercise would easily change the way people think, although I think if it were to be taught to other people it should be changed, not so dominating, a bit more friendly, but then again that might not change the way people think. I would like to know if the lady is still doing theses exercises as that one was in 2001.

maegantay0014 said...


Yesterday we started a new investigation, boomerang comes back. we watched a movie the topic was "blue eye, brown eye". it was about aboriginals and there rights.

I learnt alot about it, and when mrs.A told all the blue eyes people in the class to sit on the floor i think lot of other people thought that it was unfair to the aboriginals that they had to suffer just because of there culture. i now understand what the aboriginals had to go through and stil are going through.

I felt very angry that the blue eyed people were the ones tthat had to sit on the floor, when the brown eyed people sat on chairs.

We as a team of 8h understand the right we share. We learnt different things to respect to dis-respect, the rights to the wrongs.

bur0022 said...

The video was good because they were saying stuff about the blue eyed people and were nice to the brown eyed people. The video was to show people (persuade them)that picking on eye colour was like sexism and racism in that it was stuff that people couldn't change about themselves.
I have green eyes, and therefore, did not have brown eyes. Ms. A. started to treat blue eyed people differently. We weren't allowed to talk, sit in chairs, lay down, we had switched on's and were told off for everything.
I felt angry because Ms. A was treating people differently just because of eye colour which they can't change. Ms. A. did this to tell us that this is the same as racism and sexism - she made me feel what it was like to experience that kind of thing.
I was confused and relived when it ended, but watching the rest of the movie helped me understand. It was a good thing to do as it was a fun way of learning about how we shouldn't treat people.

pauldie0006 said...

What you learnt about blue eyes- brown eyes?

Well i learnt was it was just like the abopriginal people were not accepted to be in australia and just like the blue eyes-brown eyes experiment the blue eyed people were orded around and some of them people couldn't accept that just like the aboriginal were not accepted in australia.

In south africa there were places that obnly white people could go and were black people could go thats why one of my friends moved from south africa and come to Australia because they were racist.

What was interesting? That people acted so raist and mean to black people but in 1976 stoped being racist it is so interesting because they could stop being racist that suddenly but that was still to long like with the stolen generation and stuff.

What you already knew? Well all I new was that everybody was racist, mean, cruel and just not that nice to black people.

How you felt? Wll i gfelt yhat it's just not that nice to have taken a kid from somebody who has done all that work and then just get it taken away from you.

Questions you now have? None

chloeken0015 said...

This 'Blue eye, brown eye' video that we watched made me realize how racist people really are. i found the vidoe really interesting, and to me it made a lot of sense when they compared blue eye's to brown eyes, intead of black to white.

it awared the blue eyed people the more than the brown eyed people beacause they got treated great and blue eyed people didn't get treated so great

Jimmy said...

On Tuesday the 9th of September
our class started a new investigation. Boomerang come back. The new topic was Blue Eyes -Brown Eyes.

Sorry everybody I wasn't here on the day our class did the Blue Eyes - Brown Eyes task. But I herd from my good friend Larry that theclass watched a documentry on Aboriginals and white people being treated differently.

Larry said the people with blue eyes were being treated bad and being disrespected and the people with Brown eyes were being treated as Kings and were aloud to get away with anything.

As I was away the taecher told me She was being like a Police officer but being a mean teacher in the class giving SOTL to all the people in class with Blue eyes and was letting all people with Brown eyes get away with everything.

??? said...


yesterday we started our new investigation on boomerang comeback we first started doing blue eyes brown eyes, the whole thing on the story was aboriginals who were not accepted and they where punished because white people wanted the land that was origionally owned by the aborigionals. we started callling them names like abo's or something else when they were a part of australia. after the pp that we watched we where all showed how unfair it was to be a aborigional and how we treated them.

Libby Alexander said...

8H - these are some fantastic comments. However, when you reflect on 'Blue Eyes - Brown Eyes' I want you to tell me how you felt. I was mean and nasty to people with blue eyes, I made you sit on the floor, you couldn't lean on furniture, on others or on the floor. I gave you learning culture because of the colour of your eyes, and time in after class on the same basis. How did you feel about the way I was treating you because of your blue eyes? Why was I treating you that way? What did I hope you would learn?

.....those with brown eyes, I removed any learning culture you had recieved, i gave you preferential treatment, gave you input into the treatment I was giving those with blue eyes. How did that make you feel? What did you think about the Blue eyes? Where you glad you were not one of them? why? What did you think of how i was behaving - did you realise how mean i was being?

To everyone: why did I act as I did, and what did I want you to think about as a result of the experience?

Libby Alexander said...
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Nick said...

on tuesday when we started our new investigations boomerang come back, we done this exercise on blue eyes brown eyes. the blue eyes were like the aboriginals and could only sit on floor, not allowed to talk, not lean on furniture and ms a gave us sotl's and time in after school because we had blue eyes. while the brown eyes who are like the white people could do anything they wanted to do.

it showed us what the aboriginals went through when the white people arrived in australia, but instead of the colour of our skin we did the colour of our eyes.

it was pretty good because it showed us the discrimination we did towards the aboriginals. the aboriginal people were not given the rights to vote until 1960.

i didnt like it because i was one of the blue eyed people and i could only sit on the floor and do nothing.

i felt pretty angry when ms a was doing all the stuff because i was a blue eye person and i got picked on.

i found interesting that all of us can be a bit racist but can really hurt someone else's feelings quite easily and most times you dont mean to, unlike on the documentary the women was trying to be racist.

i dont have any questions to ask.

Sam said...

While watching the experiment 'blue eye's, brown eye's' I learnt how the aboriginal people were treated between 1870-1960.

These people weren't treated like human beings, more like Animals, by the early settlers and government. They were forced to work with no pay, beaten, murderd, rapped an their children stolen.
evidence of this is the stolen generartion.

In the experiment, discrimination was evident when the group with blue eye's were forced to sit on the floor or on uncomfortable chairs. If they did not obey they were removed from the room. evidence of this was when the old Man refused to sit down and was removed.

I feel that discrimination in any shape or form is wrong and should not be apart of modern society. I felt discriminated when I was told to sit on the ground and not touch any furniture. It felt like I was treated like a dog. I wonder if that was how the Agoriginies felt ?when they were treated like lesser beings just because of their skin colour.

eb. said...

8h have recently stared a new investigation, ’boomerang come back’.
We have watched a powerpoint on aboriginal history and learnt how they were treated and then we watched the ‘blue eyes, brown eyes’ presentation.

At first I was confused and I didn’t get the message that the ‘blue eyed bitch’ was trying to get across. It didn’t take long to then realise. The ‘blue eyed bitch’ was a lady that called herself that and she was really nice to the people with brown eyes and horrible to the people with blue eyes. The blue eyes got called names and they were said to be ignorant and selfish.
They had to sit in two rows, on hard plastic chairs and there wasn’t enough chairs so the rest of them had to sit on the floor.

Everything the blue eyed people did they got yelled and picked on for. I felt really sorry for them.

The show then got paused and Miss A turned evil, but only to the blue eyed people. I have brown eyes so I wasn’t as affected but I think the blue eyed people thought she was the devil! Some brown eyed people had warnings and learning culture and got them taken off, We got to sit where we wanted to, if we talked we wouldn’t get in trouble and the blue eyed people got time in.
I didn’t know what to believe and I wasn’t sure if Miss A was being serious about the learning culture or not. It made me feel sorry for the blue eyed people and I could see that they were not very happy with it or Miss A. I also felt happy that I did have brown eyes though. The brown eyed people took it as a joke and stirred the blue eyed people. I was defiantly glad I was not a blue eyed person at that time as I would have been very worried about get a switched on and I would of been annoyed if we had to have time in.

Miss A was behaving very mean and I didn’t think it was fair but she was just being like the lady in the presentation so hopefully the blue eyed people realised it was just copying off that. If the switched on to learning’s and the time in counted then I would of thought is was to mean.

I liked this blue eyes brown eyes thing; it was a good thing to watch. It made people really think about racism as people can’t help what colour eyes they have the same as people can’t help what skin colour they have.
I don’t believe in racism as I think everybody should be treated equal and fair.
Miss A wanted us to all think how you shouldn’t judge people because of how they look, whether it is eye colour or skin colour. I think we all learnt this and I believe this was a very good activity to do!

By Eb.

Jimmy said...

Ok everybody this comment is added on from my first one.

I pretty angry with Ms A and what she was doing, Even though I had Brown eyes, I still didn't like what she was doing to all the people with blue eyes because if I was in that position I wouldn't liked to be treated like that.

When I found out Ms A was only doing this because this was what it would be like for the Aboriginals,I felt really sorry for the Aboriginals because they couldn't change the colour of themselves.

Doing this task showed us what the Aboriginals went through when the white people arrived in Australia.

Ms A told me an example of what rasicm would be like, because I'm small, people could pick on me because I'm small but i can't help it so she told me this is what it would be like that for the Aboriginals. When she told me this I felt sad for the Aboriginals.

It was interesting and i didn't realise that all of us can be racist and can hurt someones feelings without knowing.

I don't have any questions.

Nita said...

The documentary “Blue Eyes Brown eyes” was about racism and how people judge people by there appearance. This is wrong because someone may look poor but can be extremely wealthy. Blue eyed people were told that brown eyed people were more smart and caring; I was shocked at this because there were very caring and very intelligent people sitting down on the floor.
Watching the documentary “blue eyes brown eyes” was very interesting because it opened my blue eyes to the world of racism, When I was young I used to think that racism was okay because it went both ways, but watching the documentary and taking part in the activity changed my mind very quickly.
I was very shocked when Ms. A told the blue eyed and hazel eyed people to sit up straight on the floor and to not touch any furniture, while the students with brown eyes got to sit on the furniture and speak out of tune. I got very angry with Ms. A because she was telling me what to do and I defiantly do not enjoy that! I started to think that Ms. A was enjoying this and doing it for fun, when someone behind me said that she was trying to be the lady on the TV it all fell into place, Even though I knew it was all a lesson I was still irritated, I felt sorry for all the blue eyed people and jealous of the brown eyed people because they could do what they wanted and us blue eyed people got yelled at and picked on. This was a very good way to show people how it feels to get racism remarks and what it is like to have no control over it. When Ms. A started putting up Learning Culture for the blue eyed people and removing the brown eyed peoples Learning Culture I got even more annoyed, I was very scared because I thought it was serious! I couldn’t tell Ms. A how I felt about being yelled at because she was yelling at us not listening to us, this made me think about aboriginals and Torres strait islanders and how they can’t control what racism remarks they cop. Being put into that situation really taught me that even if it is a joke the other person may take it seriously and that it is not nice to get racism remarks about your eye colour or you skin colour, because that is how you were brought into this world and if everyone was the same colour, Australia would not be the same. I learnt that aboriginals are a very important part of our history and culture, but most of all, to treat them the way I (we) would like to be treated.

By Nita

Anonymous said...

As i watched the movie the other day i was surprised that the lady that was running the experiment was really bosy and angry at the blue eyes and she was nice to the brown eyes.

When the blue eyes came into the room they were imedietley told what to do and how to do it. This one guy was refusing to do this experiment and the lady gave him heaps of chances but he decided to not obey them and then when he got told to get out of the room he didn't, and then security guards came in and took him outside.

There was also one more guy who also refused to obey the old ladies orders he wanted to sit on a chair but he was not allowed to because he is a blue eyed and he has to obey the rules. So him and the old lady were arguing and when he got told that he can not sit on a chair he got angry and just walked away.

The brown eyes in the experiment looked comfortable and smart and strong and i found out that that is the way the white people would of felt over the aboriginal people.

After we watched about half of the video we did the experiment ourselves and i thought that it would be really cool but then miss A said all of the blue eyes sit on the ground and i was shocked because i am a blue eyed and i felt so jealous because while we sat really uncomfortable the brown eyed people just got to relax and enjoy themselves. Also we were not able to touch anything around us or talk or we got a SOTL and the brown eyed people who had a SOTL got them taken off. I was touching the furniture and i got a SOTL and i have not got a SOTL in like so long so that was a surprise to me.

I was imagining that miss A was the lady in the movie and that she was bossy and telling everyone what to do and i think that miss A was enjoying it. I would to if i got that kind of power over the whole audience.

It made me relise how mean and racist, sexist we really are. The video made sence to me because the blue eyed people repesented black people ( aboriginals ) and that the brown eyed people repesented the white people.

The aboriginals would of went through all of that, like getting told what to do and being ordered around like pets. The white people acted like they were the king of this land that we call Australia, i am surprised that the aboriginals are still willing to share this great land with us.

i think miss A showed us this experiment to show us we should not jugde people for what they look like and their colour of there skin.

This experiment was very helpful to me and i think that the class will agree with me that it was fun and exciting. We should do this again sometime it will be fun and help us learn more on things that we have learnt.

Jacob said...

The blue eyes brown eyes experiment was a good practical experience.

We got treated in a similar way to the people in a documentary. The people with blue eyes got them selves put in the indigenous peoples shoes and were treated in a disrespectful and unfair way like the people with blue eyes in our class were treated. The brown eye people got whatever and did whatever they wanted like treating us very disrespectfully.

Despite having to put up with the prac, which I didn't like I thought it taught you alot like what the Aboriginies would have been treated like but in much smaller ways. I didn't like being treated badly for having blue eyes especially when we had to sit on the floor because I had lost my concentration on the film due to me not being that comfortable and getting distracted from all the noise.
Although I and the others with blue eyes had to go through with the harsh treatment we and all the rest of the people learnt what it's like to be treated unfairly like the Aboriginies had been.

I think Ms Alexander wanted to teach us the true version of racism and what being treated unfairly is truely like so we could fully understand what the Aboriginies were treated like.

This was a good experience and now we know excactly how the Aboriginies were treated and how hard it would have been for them to put up with all their lifes, people in our class couldn't even last five minutes.
We are all very lucky that everyone these days seems to be treated fairly has rights, like Aboriginies and their land rights.We are also very lucky that after all we have done to the Aboriginies their still willing to go along with our culture and allow us on their land too.

jasontai0007 said...

8H have just started a new investagation, "Boomerang come back"
We have recently watched a powerpoint on Aboriginal history and how they were treated back then.

After the powerpoint on Aboriginal history we watched a presentation on "Blue eyes - -Brown eyes"

When we first sarted watching the presentation i was tuning out and thinking it was'nt very interesting, and i did'nt really understand what was going on, but then i realised the 'blue eyed bitch' (the lady running the program) was trying to pass a message saying not to be racist to the Aboriginals.

In the presentation the 'blue eyed bitch' was treating the blue eyed people like dirt and was being nice to the brown eyed people. The blue eyed people got called names and they were said to be ignorant and selfish. The blue eyed people sat on hard plastic chairs and some had to sit on the floor because their was'nt enough chairs.

Every time the blue eyed people spoke they would get yelled at or if they did anything they would be put down and treated poorly.

Half way through the movie Miss A stopped it and started treating the blue eyed people really mean, she was yelling at them and giving the switched on's and time in. As i was a blu eyed person i felt really affected by it and i thought this was pretty wrong because the blue eyed people were getting into trouble for nothing, were the brown eyed people could do whatever they wanted to do and get away with it. By this time i was starting to think that none of these switched on's and that were going to happen because she was just trying to show everyone how the Aboriginals were treated, because i was a blue eyed person being treated bad, it was like the blue eyed people were the Aboriginals to the brown eyed people who were the white people. It sort of starting making sense to me when they compared blue eyes to brown eyes, instead of black to white.

I learnt that the Aboriginal people were not accepted to be in Australia. It is just like the blu eyes - brown eyes experiment we did, the blue eyed people were ordered around and some could'nt accept it like the Aboriginals wernt accepted into Australia by whit people.

I thought it was bad how the white people stole the Aboriginals babies and did'nt give them back. The Aboriginals did all the hard work to produce them and raise them, but then the white people just stole their kids and got away with it, i felt bad for the Aboriginals and disgusted at the white people, i feel even more bad because i am a white person my self and i really like the Aboriginals and i think they just should be accepted by others to be in Australia and be proud to be here.

To conclude my comment i thought the presentation was interesting. It taught us not to be racist and accept the Aboriginals on to our land. i found it interesting that the white people acted so racist and mean and cruel to the Aboriginals, but in 1978 they stopped being racist and cruel to the Aboriginals. It was interesting how quick they could stop being racist and cruel to the Aboriginals.

By Jason Tainton.

bianca said...


On the 11 of september we watched a small document about the aboriginals life before our parentswere born.
The starting stopic was Blue Eyes Brown Eyes.

They did an exercise about blue eye brown eyes, the blue was white people and the brown eyes were the aboriginals it showed us how we use to treat the aboriginals.
The blue eyes were in a sepertae room to the brown eyes, the blue were in a room where they werent alout to talk. the brown eyes who were in a different room told you know everything and they were always right. i have leart that white people wern't that nice to them. i never really knew much about the aboriginals, only that in english STHS we wathced rabbit proof fence. i found it interesting when mrs a just paused the movie and said BLUE EYES ON THE FLOOD OR INSTENT SOTL GO GO GO! i felt frustrated because i wasnt sure if it was real and people weren'rt co-operating. it wasnt fun when your in the poisition that the aboriginals were in.

larry said...

we started a new topic called boomerang come back we watch a movie called blue eyes and brown eyes it was about aborgignals right all these brown eye people where in one room and there was a woman talking about there rights and the blue eye people started this they wanted all this land what they didnt need and so the brown eye people couldnt have it then all these blue eye people walk into the smae room and the woman was talking about what you guys do to th brown eye people. mrs A did the same thing to us all the brown eye people sitting on chairs and all the blue eye people on the floor and mrs A was treating the blue eye people like crap she was doing this because what they did to the aborgignals and it was not fair to all the brown eye people.

Ethan cam0011 said...

I think that the blue eyes and brown eyes thing was different and fun coz all the brown eyes got todo wat eva they wanted and all the blue eyed people had to sit on the flour and if they spoke they got into trouble.

!MOLLY=) said...
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!MOLLY=) said...
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!MOLLY=) said...
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!MOLLY=) said...
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!MOLLY=) said...

While watching the “Blue eyes, brown eyes” presentation, we learnt no matter what we look like we should all be treated with the same respect.

At first I didn’t no what to expect of this presentation it had me confused for a bit, but then it made more sense to me when the lady started to explain it more, this lady was the person who was running the activity and she called herself “the blue eyed bitch”. The blue-eyed bitch split people into all different eye colored groups, she was being really nice to the brown-eyes people while being mean to the blue-eyes.

Afterwards, Ms A turned evil and started demanding blue eyed people to sit on the ground, up straight, in a line, while the brown eyes got to sit on chairs and laugh at the blue eyes get treated badly. As a blue eyed person I was not happy about sitting on the ground getting told what to do, it made me confused and a bit angry, I just cant imagine being treated like that everyday just like what some people have to go through, it would be horrible, I don’t understand why aboriginals get treated badly against non-aboriginals, when we are all equal, we are all humans we come into the world the same way so why cant we all be treated fairly!

Although I was annoyed that I was treated like that as a blue-eyed person, overall I really enjoyed the presentation it taught me to understanding and to be more mature about things

I believe that doing this activity again would be fun because I really got to feel how the indigenous people are being treated.

michael said...

The people in the video really got tort what it's like to be discriminated being judged by there eye colour is a good example of how just one little thing that we humans can't change at all we are born that way and that example was a good one and some people got really upset over it like that old guy who would not be told what do do by a women because his an old stuban fool. We did a very similar activity in class even know I liked it because I was a brown eyed person and we were treated like kings other people really hated it and learnt what it's like to be discriminated like that it goes to show how easy it is to piss someone off with a little picky thing like that. I really didn't like the video just because it was a really boring video maybe next time they should of shown some African move because there are a lot of racist people they and they should of shown how the Chinese are picked on even know I pick on them and it's not just aboriginals being discriminated in Australia it's all different cultures. I find it weird how we can't say one thing about a black man or women but they can be as racist as they want towards us it's really weird kinda unfair but we don’t take it to heart like them we just get over it and they seem to go on and on how they being tormented oh well.

lonnie said...

i really enjoyed this part of the investigation first we watched a video about how aboriginals are discriminated against and it was a class of people and they used the color of eyes to represent aboriginal (blue) and white people (brown) in the experiment they sat all the people with the blue eyes in the middle on the floor and all the brown eyed people on chairs in two groups on each side of them and they had a lady being nice to the brown eyed people and an ass hole in general to the blue eyed people at the end of the movie the teacher went cyco and made all the people without brown eyes sit on the floor and have no privileges at all and the people with brown eyes could do whatever they wanted to do. this showed us what we have been doing to the aboriginals for so many years without even knowing.

overall not a bad day but going cyco at me an stuff made me shitty with mrs.a

ade said...

I really enjoyed watching this video and I think the class did too. It was about not judging people, how they look and that old women that was being mean had shown that in this vidio. I learnt that aboriginals are no diffrent to us and that we shouldn't judge them how they look. Ms.A made all the non brown-eyed people to sit on the floor and not talk and dont touch anything she treated us like the old women did on the vidio. Ms A's point was that that's how they feel and to get the message through better to us. :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)