Sunday, September 7, 2008

Kevin Rudd says Sorry

When Kevin Rudd said 'Sorry' it was a major event in the relationship between indigenous and non-indigenous Australians. After watching his speach, 8H were asked to reflect upon their thoughts.


maegantay0014 said...

i wasnt there when we did this?? i went to that church thing.

Chloe :) said...
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bianca said...

Kevin Rudd

I think at some points Kevin Rudd did the rite thing to the aboriginals and to the aussies that felt the same. Although he will never know how they felt Kevin Rudd hadsaid sorry from all the aussies but not all of the aussies would have been sorry knowone really knows. if i were an aboriginal i wouldnt have taken that apoligy from Kevin. I dont think it would have ment much to some of the aboriginals may have felt what would he know! Apoligys don't mean anything sometimes there only words people throw around.

harry said...

The way Australians treated Aboriginals and Torres straight islanders was terrible, it is good that Kevin Rudd said sorry, not just on behalf of himself, but also the government and the rest of Australia. He recognizes that "it's time we turn a new page" and start the change that is needed, he also treats the the indigenous community of australia the way they deserve to be treated, like real Australians, he talks about filling the "gap" which lies between us and he says that we need to be treated equally from now on.

It is sad that it took the government so long to say sorry, it should have been done back then, but then again it should have never happened at all. Kevin Rudd said sorry to not just the children who were taken away, but also the parents, the sisters, the brothers and the whole family.

I think it was good that the government sad sorry, it needed to be done, but what happened to aboriginals should never have happened at all. It is good that this has been done, it can let others realize how lucky we are, we have been free, whilst aboriginals have been treated terrible, it makes us more aware and should make us grateful that it never happened to us.

Chloe :) said...

I think Kevin Rudd did the right thing for saying sorry to the Abooriginals. he sounded really powerful and with a lot of emotion. he had a great speech and had some touching scentences that reached out to all of us. In his speech he mentioned "None of it is impossible, but it can be done" and i trully believed it.

I hope the indiginous can forgive Australia and for what they have done, we know it can't be easy but as Kevin Rudd said, it can be done.


Sam said...

Last term 8h watched a video of Kevin rudd apologizing to the stolen generation. I thought it was totally necessary to apologize because, these people were ripped from their families at a young age and were forced to life they didn't want to lead, I couldn't Imagine how scared and alone they felt. this was a big wrong and kevin finally righted it, after so many years pain and suffering.

I think Kevin apology was well structured and covered many aspects of indigenous life that need improving for example; education and mortality rates . I think if the promises kevin rudd made in his speech are for-filled aborigines will become respected citizens in modern society.

After kevin rudd apology, John howard regretted that he didn't apologize earlier but he didn't say why, well I think he didn't apologize because he was scared of the consequences, showing us how much better of a leader kevin rudd is because he is ready to make decisions and is ready to reap the rewards and accept the consciences.

Andy said...

I think that kevin rudd said sorry to get people to think that he is better and smarter and more nicer then befor.

But its good that somone said sorry because the aborijinals had a bad time with us bossing them around and not treting them like we should treet the.

i lert that aboriginals are no diffrent to us and that we should all treet each other the same and kevin rud shouldent be the only one to say sorry we should all say sporry.

Andy said...

I think that kevin rudd said sorry because he wonted people to think that he is a good and respectfull man and he probly is respecfull and good but he wonts more vaters or people that like him.

But its good that he said sorry because the aborigines had a bag time of us bossing them and treting them like crap.

larry said...

i saw a little bit of kevin rudd's speach it was realy bad how the aussie treated the abos and kevin rudd was saying sorry for what they did back thoose days i also found he's speach realy borning it think he went on the subect to long but it was a good speach also kevin rudd was also pointing out that it doesnt matter if you are black or white we treat others with the same respect has you would treat a friend

Nick said...
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Nick said...

as a class 8H watched a bit of kevin rudds sorry speech. it was a very nice thing to do. kevin rudd didnt say sorry just on his behalf, he said sorry from all the prime ministers before him and all the australians.

it was really nice of kevin rudd to say sorry. someone needed to do it sooner rather than later so we can write a new chapter and start fresh again, with no discrimination of the aboriginals and torres straight islanders.

it was really boring, it was nearly the most boring 10 minutes of my life, but it was a very important 10 minutes of my life as it was one of the top five speechs in australia and will go down in history, maybe.

i am sorry to all aboriginals and torres straight islanders for what happened in the past because it was so terrible what you went through and now we can move on into another chapter of the book.


??? said...


kevin rudd wants to start something new with the aborigionals,like indigionas to non indigionus,proper schools not resedentional schools,that we should all work together, and we should set new rules, and we should respect indigionus people

Nick said...
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Jimmy said...

Our class 8H listened to Kevin Rudd say sorry to the Aboriginals.
His speech went for ages and he was saying all these things on why White people of Australia are sorry for what they did to Aboriginals.

Kevin Rudd went on a lot about the stolen generation for ages and kept telling us a lot of things that happened back then and I felt really sorry for the Aboriginals.
Kevin Rudd did a really nice thing for Aboriginals when he didn't do any of it and he didn't have to either. He made the right choice in saying sorry to the Aboriginals and because he was going to say sorry to the Aboriginals that’s why he got prime minister. When Kevin Rudd said he would apoligize he was also taking a risk because someone could sue him and his whole parliament could get sacked.

Even though I thought it was boring it was a very important speech and ranked in the top 5 best speech’s in Australia.
I thought it was very boring because he kept talking on about all these things he had already talked about and it wasn’t interesting because he just kept talking in the same tone which really didn’t help, because it was already boring.

On behalf of me I would like to say sorry to the Aboriginals.

Nick said...
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harry said...

Previous governments before Kevin Rudd have realise the bad actions towards Aboriginals, but they have not done anything about it, they've realised it was wrong, that it never should have happened, but that’s all. As the Government of Australia they've been ashamed about the actions which have taken place, although new parties have been elected over the years they have still felt they had something to do with what happened all them years ago, that's why they've been to embarrassed and ashamed to say "sorry". They have regretted the actions of the past governments, but that’s all, they haven’t said sorry which will change it all.

When Kevin Rudd was elected and a new government came along, they were stronger, they knew it had to be done and unlike the past governments they weren’t to gutless to say sorry, Some aboriginals accepted the apology, yet some never will as they’ve been hurt to much, it is hard to make an apology, but even harder to accept one, sometimes we think if we accept it, it will make the other person better, we don’t accept it because we are stubborn, but in the aboriginals case some couldn’t and that didn’t matter because they don’t have to as nothing will ever make up for what was done. No matter what, they deserved an apology, the government did wrong and to say sorry was the least they could do, nothing will ever be able to change the bad decisions of the past, but at lest and an apology says now thing are getting better and we can look forward to a better future where sorry won’t have to be said, because something as bad as the “stolen generation” will never happen again.

Nick said...
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Ethan cam0011 said...

i think kevin rudd did the right thing saying sorry to the indigrnous people to get his sympathy back and respect back from the indigenous people and when we watched the powerpoint kevin rudd said it with alot of emotion.

maegantay0014 said...

i think that kevin rudd did the right thing by saying sorry to the aboriginals and torres it needed to be done sometime, because australians treated them like terribally. he not only said it on behalph of himself but he did it for the overnment and therest of australia and most importantly for the aboriginals and torres. Everybody needs to treat aboringinals just like they would like to be treated. i thought it was really touching and i thought his speech reached out to a lot of people. after rudd apologized John howard regretted apologizing i think it was because he was afrain of the consiquenses that would happen if he did.

paulie said...
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Nita said...

When Ms A told us that we were going to be spending a lesson watching Kevin Rudd apologize to the indigenous community I immediately thought that the lesson would be boring I was wrong.

Kevin Rudd apologized to the indigenous community for the stolen generation. I already knew that the stolen generation was when indigenous children were taken from their parents and given too non-indigenous families. The children were taken because the government at the time believed that indigenous parents could not care for their children. I think that taking the children away was really wrong because the children had to learn a different culture and were taken away from their families. I also believe that the children that were taken away from their families would not know as much about there history as others.

When Kevin Rudd said sorry he said let us turn this page together: indigenous and non-indigenous Australians, government and opposition, Commonwealth and state, and write this new chapter in our nations story together.
I believe that this is a very powerful sentence because it states that everyone can work together and write a new chapter in our nations story.

I didn’t really enjoy watching Kevin Rudd say sorry but it was a very important part of indigenous history. I believe that I needed to watch this speech because non-indigenous people can learn from past mistakes and everybody needs to know that everyone is equal.

paulie said...

"Kevin rudd says sorry" When kevin rudd said sorry i didn't even realise aboriginals had different right to what white people had, I didn't realise that people were so racist to the aboriginal people.

I didn't ven know? what the stolden generation was until i heard from kevin rudd and when i was watching this movie i could see all the aboriginal people's happy and laughing.

He talked about closing the gap and setting new rules and respect each other and working together, we change our hole culture and to become as 1 and he said SORRY about all of the stolen generation and finally "Kevin Rudd said SORRY"

I thought it was really good to talk to the aboriginal peiople the way he did and we have a good future to come.

larry said...


Anonymous said...

As a class 8h watched a movie on Kevin Rudd saying sorry to indigenous people.
I was thinking in my head that this movie would be really boring and just talking about crap. But it turns out to be ok after all.

Kevin Rudd said sorry for not giving the indigenous people a fair go in the world. I think this is very kind for the government to come up with something like that and say sorry to the indigenous people.

Kevin Rudd said that he’s government would build more and more education for the indigenous kids and that is really nice. Everybody in the world get a fair go in the world and so should indigenous kids and adults.

He also talked about letting indigenous kids get a better future in the world. That’s good for the kids because they are getting a education and that is something new for them. Kevin Rudd wants the best for every indigenous person there is Australia that’s good for everyone.

Kevin Rudd also said that he wants the best future for this great land and I agree with him because we don’t want this land to be crappy we want it to be nice and fresh for animals and healthy life style.

What I don’t get is why John Howard did not say anything like this when he was prime minister he could of done that easy how come he did not do it.

I don’t really like Kevin Rudd that much but he did say sorry to the indigenous people and that’s pretty nice of him and the Australian Government.

Jacob said...

In investigations 8H watched a video on Kevin Rudd’s apology to the indigenous Australians, for the stolen generation. I learnt a lot from watching the video which has helped me understand more about the stolen generation.

It was terrible how the white people treated the Aborigines, Taking their rights away, Taking their lands from them, and the most bad of all was taking away the Aborigines children and putting them into strange white families so the Aboriginal kids would forget their culture and start learning ours. The white people also treated the Aborigines very badly just like they do to all indigenous people by looking at them and treating them differently.

Australian governments over the past have done nothing to try and make up for what they have done. the liberal government led by John Howard like the rest did nothing, I know the problems the government might face if he did do something, even an apology but still I think that, that is no excuse, the Aborigines have gone through hell, with the way the white people treated them. All John Howard could say to them was that he regrets what happened to them, if that’s all they would say then they deserved to loose in the federal election.

The recently elected Government led by Kevin Rudd, has finally took the first steps to make up for the stolen generation. Kevin Rudd on behalf of the Australian government and also all Australians, apologized to the Aboriginal people for the way they have been treated, especially the stolen generation. Kevin Rudd however not just apologize, he talked about the hopes of removing the gap between non-indigenous and indigenous Australians, he talked about making the indigenous and non indigenous Australians equal by using the words letting everyone have a fair go.

There's a long way to go before we can remove that gap, and we can't look back on what has happened.
We can't change what happened in the past but hopefully we can succeed to making up for it in the future.

michael said...

The speech went on for ever but it was a good speech he did seem to drag it out tho and even know it was for a good reson it got really boring and I didn’t like it I don’t really recall when he said sorry but if you look at the speech in writing it says sorry a few times maybe he didn’t really wanna say sorry so he just said is quietly when it came to the sorry parts I counted twice he said sorry what he said sorry twice when they went though years of pain and suffering and I looked at the speech and I counted 2. 2 that’s it not even we are deeply sorry just plain old WE ARE SORRY! Sounds kinda boring and lame it didn’t even sound like he ment it but it was a big deal for a lot of people even know it didn’t mean anything to me it was good to see a guy like that say sorry cus they don’t often say them words they are rare in polotics.

!MOLLY=) said...

I think Kevin Rudd did the right thing for saying sorry to the Aboriginals. It needed to be done a long time ago, its sad that it has gone on for this long.

I think that Kevin Rudd expressed himself really well he meant every word that he said, he apologized not just the children, the parents, the sisters, the brothers and the whole family, I really hope Kevin Rudd for-fills his promises to the aboriginal community they really do deserve to lead a better lifestyles.

I really enjoyed watching this and experiencing what our community is doing for others and I know it’s hard but I really hope that the aboriginals can forgive Australia for what has occurred as Kevin Rudd said, “It can be done!”

eb. said...

On the 13th of February, 2008 PM Kevin Rudd apologized to the stolen generation and the indigenous people of this land.

Kevin Rudd reflected on the past mistreatment and what the governments have done, this to especially the stolen generation.

As a class of 8H we watched a video of Kevin Rudd apologizing and at first I didn’t understand the speech, then Miss A went through the speech with me and highlighted out the important points. I now realize what the speech was about and I think it was very good of Kevin Rudd to say sorry.

He stated that some have asked why apologize and Kevin Rudd gave history of the stolen generation. These stories had cried out to be heard by many and to receive an apology. When he apologized he said-
To the stolen generations, I say the following: As a Prime Minister of Australia, I am sorry.
On behalf of the Government of Australia, I am sorry.
On behalf of the Parliament of Australia, I am sorry.
I offer you this apology without qualification.

I have a clear understanding of the ‘I offer you this apology without qualification’. That under no conditions this will be taken away.

As a class I think we could of gone through the speech as a class to get a better understanding of it and share peoples views.

From ebony.

lonnie said...

i think Keven Rudd did the right thing even if he did it to get the majority of votes he still said sorry and he will be remembered for it.and as far as I'm concerned we are all equal and the Aboriginals should of never have been discriminated against in the first place.